
start_assemble(K::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC;            fillzero::Bool=true) -> CSCAssembler
start_assemble(K::AbstractSparseMatrixCSC, f::Vector; fillzero::Bool=true) -> CSCAssembler

Create a CSCAssembler from the matrix K and optional vector f.

start_assemble(K::Symmetric{AbstractSparseMatrixCSC};                 fillzero::Bool=true) -> SymmetricCSCAssembler
start_assemble(K::Symmetric{AbstractSparseMatrixCSC}, f::Vector=Td[]; fillzero::Bool=true) -> SymmetricCSCAssembler

Create a SymmetricCSCAssembler from the matrix K and optional vector f.

CSCAssembler and SymmetricCSCAssembler allocate workspace necessary for efficient matrix assembly. To assemble the contribution from an element, use assemble!.

The keyword argument fillzero can be set to false if K and f should not be zeroed out, but instead keep their current values.

assemble!(a::COOAssembler, dofs, Ke)
assemble!(a::COOAssembler, dofs, Ke, fe)

Assembles the element matrix Ke and element vector fe into a.

assemble!(a::COOAssembler, rowdofs, coldofs, Ke)

Assembles the matrix Ke into a according to the dofs specified by rowdofs and coldofs.

assemble!(g, dofs, ge)

Assembles the element residual ge into the global residual vector g.

assemble!(A::AbstractAssembler, dofs::AbstractVector{Int}, Ke::AbstractMatrix)
assemble!(A::AbstractAssembler, dofs::AbstractVector{Int}, Ke::AbstractMatrix, fe::AbstractVector)

Assemble the element stiffness matrix Ke (and optional force vector fe) into the global stiffness (and force) in A, given the element degrees of freedom dofs.

This is equivalent to K[dofs, dofs] += Ke and f[dofs] += fe, where K is the global stiffness matrix and f the global force/residual vector, but more efficient.

finish_assemble(a::COOAssembler) -> K, f

Finalize the assembly and return the sparse matrix K::SparseMatrixCSC and vector f::Vector. If the assembler have not been used for vector assembly, f is an empty vector.
