Von Mises plasticity
Figure 1. A coarse mesh solution of a cantilever beam subjected to a load causing plastic deformations. The initial yield limit is 200 MPa but due to hardening it increases up to approximately 240 MPa.
This example is also available as a Jupyter notebook: plasticity.ipynb
This example illustrates the use of a nonlinear material model in Ferrite. The particular model is von Mises plasticity (also know as J₂-plasticity) with isotropic hardening. The model is fully 3D, meaning that no assumptions like plane stress or plane strain are introduced.
Also note that the theory of the model is not described here, instead one is referred to standard textbooks on material modeling.
To illustrate the use of the plasticity model, we setup and solve a FE-problem consisting of a cantilever beam loaded at its free end. But first, we shortly describe the parts of the implementation dealing with the material modeling.
Material modeling
This section describes the struct
s and methods used to implement the material model
Material parameters and state variables
Start by loading some necessary packages
using Ferrite, Tensors, SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra, Printf
We define a J₂-plasticity-material, containing material parameters and the elastic stiffness Dᵉ (since it is constant)
struct J2Plasticity{T, S <: SymmetricTensor{4, 3, T}}
G::T # Shear modulus
K::T # Bulk modulus
σ₀::T # Initial yield limit
H::T # Hardening modulus
Dᵉ::S # Elastic stiffness tensor
Next, we define a constructor for the material instance.
function J2Plasticity(E, ν, σ₀, H)
δ(i, j) = i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0 # helper function
G = E / 2(1 + ν)
K = E / 3(1 - 2ν)
Isymdev(i, j, k, l) = 0.5 * (δ(i, k) * δ(j, l) + δ(i, l) * δ(j, k)) - 1.0 / 3.0 * δ(i, j) * δ(k, l)
temp(i, j, k, l) = 2.0G * (0.5 * (δ(i, k) * δ(j, l) + δ(i, l) * δ(j, k)) + ν / (1.0 - 2.0ν) * δ(i, j) * δ(k, l))
Dᵉ = SymmetricTensor{4, 3}(temp)
return J2Plasticity(G, K, σ₀, H, Dᵉ)
Above, we defined a constructor J2Plasticity(E, ν, σ₀, H)
in terms of the more common material parameters $E$ and $ν$ - simply as a convenience for the user.
Define a struct
to store the material state for a Gauss point.
struct MaterialState{T, S <: SecondOrderTensor{3, T}}
# Store "converged" values
ϵᵖ::S # plastic strain
σ::S # stress
k::T # hardening variable
Constructor for initializing a material state. Every quantity is set to zero.
function MaterialState()
return MaterialState(
zero(SymmetricTensor{2, 3}),
zero(SymmetricTensor{2, 3}),
For later use, during the post-processing step, we define a function to compute the von Mises effective stress.
function vonMises(σ)
s = dev(σ)
return sqrt(3.0 / 2.0 * s ⊡ s)
Constitutive driver
This is the actual method which computes the stress and material tangent stiffness in a given integration point. Input is the current strain and the material state from the previous timestep.
function compute_stress_tangent(ϵ::SymmetricTensor{2, 3}, material::J2Plasticity, state::MaterialState)
# unpack some material parameters
G = material.G
H = material.H
# We use (•)ᵗ to denote *trial*-values
σᵗ = material.Dᵉ ⊡ (ϵ - state.ϵᵖ) # trial-stress
sᵗ = dev(σᵗ) # deviatoric part of trial-stress
J₂ = 0.5 * sᵗ ⊡ sᵗ # second invariant of sᵗ
σᵗₑ = sqrt(3.0 * J₂) # effective trial-stress (von Mises stress)
σʸ = material.σ₀ + H * state.k # Previous yield limit
φᵗ = σᵗₑ - σʸ # Trial-value of the yield surface
if φᵗ < 0.0 # elastic loading
return σᵗ, material.Dᵉ, MaterialState(state.ϵᵖ, σᵗ, state.k)
else # plastic loading
h = H + 3G
μ = φᵗ / h # plastic multiplier
c1 = 1 - 3G * μ / σᵗₑ
s = c1 * sᵗ # updated deviatoric stress
σ = s + vol(σᵗ) # updated stress
# Compute algorithmic tangent stiffness ``D = \frac{\Delta \sigma }{\Delta \epsilon}``
κ = H * (state.k + μ) # drag stress
σₑ = material.σ₀ + κ # updated yield surface
δ(i, j) = i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0
Isymdev(i, j, k, l) = 0.5 * (δ(i, k) * δ(j, l) + δ(i, l) * δ(j, k)) - 1.0 / 3.0 * δ(i, j) * δ(k, l)
Q(i, j, k, l) = Isymdev(i, j, k, l) - 3.0 / (2.0 * σₑ^2) * s[i, j] * s[k, l]
b = (3G * μ / σₑ) / (1.0 + 3G * μ / σₑ)
Dtemp(i, j, k, l) = -2G * b * Q(i, j, k, l) - 9G^2 / (h * σₑ^2) * s[i, j] * s[k, l]
D = material.Dᵉ + SymmetricTensor{4, 3}(Dtemp)
# Return new state
Δϵᵖ = 3 / 2 * μ / σₑ * s # plastic strain
ϵᵖ = state.ϵᵖ + Δϵᵖ # plastic strain
k = state.k + μ # hardening variable
return σ, D, MaterialState(ϵᵖ, σ, k)
compute_stress_tangent (generic function with 1 method)
What follows are methods for assembling and and solving the FE-problem.
function create_values(interpolation)
# setup quadrature rules
qr = QuadratureRule{RefTetrahedron}(2)
facet_qr = FacetQuadratureRule{RefTetrahedron}(3)
# cell and facetvalues for u
cellvalues_u = CellValues(qr, interpolation)
facetvalues_u = FacetValues(facet_qr, interpolation)
return cellvalues_u, facetvalues_u
Add degrees of freedom
function create_dofhandler(grid, interpolation)
dh = DofHandler(grid)
add!(dh, :u, interpolation) # add a displacement field with 3 components
return dh
create_dofhandler (generic function with 1 method)
Boundary conditions
function create_bc(dh, grid)
dbcs = ConstraintHandler(dh)
# Clamped on the left side
dofs = [1, 2, 3]
dbc = Dirichlet(:u, getfacetset(grid, "left"), (x, t) -> [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dofs)
add!(dbcs, dbc)
return dbcs
Assembling of element contributions
- Residual vector
- Tangent stiffness
function doassemble!(
K::SparseMatrixCSC, r::Vector, cellvalues::CellValues, dh::DofHandler,
material::J2Plasticity, u, states, states_old
assembler = start_assemble(K, r)
nu = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues)
re = zeros(nu) # element residual vector
ke = zeros(nu, nu) # element tangent matrix
for (i, cell) in enumerate(CellIterator(dh))
fill!(ke, 0)
fill!(re, 0)
eldofs = celldofs(cell)
ue = u[eldofs]
state = @view states[:, i]
state_old = @view states_old[:, i]
assemble_cell!(ke, re, cell, cellvalues, material, ue, state, state_old)
assemble!(assembler, eldofs, ke, re)
return K, r
doassemble! (generic function with 1 method)
Compute element contribution to the residual and the tangent.
Due to symmetry, we only compute the lower half of the tangent and then symmetrize it.
function assemble_cell!(Ke, re, cell, cellvalues, material, ue, state, state_old)
n_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues)
reinit!(cellvalues, cell)
for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues)
# For each integration point, compute stress and material stiffness
ϵ = function_symmetric_gradient(cellvalues, q_point, ue) # Total strain
σ, D, state[q_point] = compute_stress_tangent(ϵ, material, state_old[q_point])
dΩ = getdetJdV(cellvalues, q_point)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs
δϵ = shape_symmetric_gradient(cellvalues, q_point, i)
re[i] += (δϵ ⊡ σ) * dΩ # add internal force to residual
for j in 1:i # loop only over lower half
Δϵ = shape_symmetric_gradient(cellvalues, q_point, j)
Ke[i, j] += δϵ ⊡ D ⊡ Δϵ * dΩ
assemble_cell! (generic function with 1 method)
Helper function to symmetrize the material tangent
function symmetrize_lower!(K)
for i in 1:size(K, 1)
for j in (i + 1):size(K, 1)
K[i, j] = K[j, i]
function doassemble_neumann!(r, dh, facetset, facetvalues, t)
n_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(facetvalues)
re = zeros(n_basefuncs) # element residual vector
for fc in FacetIterator(dh, facetset)
# Add traction as a negative contribution to the element residual `re`:
reinit!(facetvalues, fc)
fill!(re, 0)
for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(facetvalues)
dΓ = getdetJdV(facetvalues, q_point)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs
δu = shape_value(facetvalues, q_point, i)
re[i] -= (δu ⋅ t) * dΓ
assemble!(r, celldofs(fc), re)
return r
doassemble_neumann! (generic function with 1 method)
Define a function which solves the FE-problem.
function solve()
# Define material parameters
E = 200.0e9 # [Pa]
H = E / 20 # [Pa]
ν = 0.3 # [-]
σ₀ = 200.0e6 # [Pa]
material = J2Plasticity(E, ν, σ₀, H)
L = 10.0 # beam length [m]
w = 1.0 # beam width [m]
h = 1.0 # beam height[m]
n_timesteps = 10
u_max = zeros(n_timesteps)
traction_magnitude = 1.0e7 * range(0.5, 1.0, length = n_timesteps)
# Create geometry, dofs and boundary conditions
n = 2
nels = (10n, n, 2n) # number of elements in each spatial direction
P1 = Vec((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # start point for geometry
P2 = Vec((L, w, h)) # end point for geometry
grid = generate_grid(Tetrahedron, nels, P1, P2)
interpolation = Lagrange{RefTetrahedron, 1}()^3
dh = create_dofhandler(grid, interpolation) # JuaFEM helper function
dbcs = create_bc(dh, grid) # create Dirichlet boundary-conditions
cellvalues, facetvalues = create_values(interpolation)
# Pre-allocate solution vectors, etc.
n_dofs = ndofs(dh) # total number of dofs
u = zeros(n_dofs) # solution vector
Δu = zeros(n_dofs) # displacement correction
r = zeros(n_dofs) # residual
K = allocate_matrix(dh) # tangent stiffness matrix
# Create material states. One array for each cell, where each element is an array of material-
# states - one for each integration point
nqp = getnquadpoints(cellvalues)
states = [MaterialState() for _ in 1:nqp, _ in 1:getncells(grid)]
states_old = [MaterialState() for _ in 1:nqp, _ in 1:getncells(grid)]
# Newton-Raphson loop
NEWTON_TOL = 1 # 1 N
print("\n Starting Netwon iterations:\n")
for timestep in 1:n_timesteps
t = timestep # actual time (used for evaluating d-bndc)
traction = Vec((0.0, 0.0, traction_magnitude[timestep]))
newton_itr = -1
print("\n Time step @time = $timestep:\n")
update!(dbcs, t) # evaluates the D-bndc at time t
apply!(u, dbcs) # set the prescribed values in the solution vector
while true
newton_itr += 1
if newton_itr > 8
error("Reached maximum Newton iterations, aborting")
# Tangent and residual contribution from the cells (volume integral)
doassemble!(K, r, cellvalues, dh, material, u, states, states_old)
# Residual contribution from the Neumann boundary (surface integral)
doassemble_neumann!(r, dh, getfacetset(grid, "right"), facetvalues, traction)
norm_r = norm(r[Ferrite.free_dofs(dbcs)])
print("Iteration: $newton_itr \tresidual: $(@sprintf("%.8f", norm_r))\n")
if norm_r < NEWTON_TOL
apply_zero!(K, r, dbcs)
Δu = Symmetric(K) \ r
u -= Δu
# Update the old states with the converged values for next timestep
states_old .= states
u_max[timestep] = maximum(abs, u) # maximum displacement in current timestep
# ## Postprocessing
# Only a vtu-file corresponding to the last time-step is exported.
# The following is a quick (and dirty) way of extracting average cell data for export.
mises_values = zeros(getncells(grid))
κ_values = zeros(getncells(grid))
for (el, cell_states) in enumerate(eachcol(states))
for state in cell_states
mises_values[el] += vonMises(state.σ)
κ_values[el] += state.k * material.H
mises_values[el] /= length(cell_states) # average von Mises stress
κ_values[el] /= length(cell_states) # average drag stress
VTKGridFile("plasticity", dh) do vtk
write_solution(vtk, dh, u) # displacement field
write_cell_data(vtk, mises_values, "von Mises [Pa]")
write_cell_data(vtk, κ_values, "Drag stress [Pa]")
return u_max, traction_magnitude
solve (generic function with 1 method)
Solve the FE-problem and for each time-step extract maximum displacement and the corresponding traction load. Also compute the limit-traction-load
u_max, traction_magnitude = solve();
Starting Netwon iterations:
Time step @time = 1:
Iteration: 0 residual: 1435838.41167605
Iteration: 1 residual: 118655.22430368
Iteration: 2 residual: 59.50456058
Iteration: 3 residual: 0.00002560
Time step @time = 2:
Iteration: 0 residual: 159537.60129725
Iteration: 1 residual: 1706974.26597926
Iteration: 2 residual: 97346.48157049
Iteration: 3 residual: 37.17532011
Iteration: 4 residual: 0.00001524
Time step @time = 3:
Iteration: 0 residual: 159537.60129701
Iteration: 1 residual: 3033614.51718249
Iteration: 2 residual: 183762.82986491
Iteration: 3 residual: 187.23777242
Iteration: 4 residual: 0.00023135
Time step @time = 4:
Iteration: 0 residual: 159537.60129742
Iteration: 1 residual: 3668226.41190261
Iteration: 2 residual: 85645.15221552
Iteration: 3 residual: 33.39133787
Iteration: 4 residual: 0.00002312
Time step @time = 5:
Iteration: 0 residual: 159537.60129764
Iteration: 1 residual: 4942707.09611024
Iteration: 2 residual: 822244.81049667
Iteration: 3 residual: 2806.49948363
Iteration: 4 residual: 0.04196782
Time step @time = 6:
Iteration: 0 residual: 159537.60129723
Iteration: 1 residual: 6350622.82330476
Iteration: 2 residual: 1433617.64531907
Iteration: 3 residual: 11917.22662334
Iteration: 4 residual: 0.96519065
Time step @time = 7:
Iteration: 0 residual: 159537.60130042
Iteration: 1 residual: 7442093.81842929
Iteration: 2 residual: 2293366.32653456
Iteration: 3 residual: 27806.00144416
Iteration: 4 residual: 4.78936691
Iteration: 5 residual: 0.00002337
Time step @time = 8:
Iteration: 0 residual: 159537.60129787
Iteration: 1 residual: 7898429.46749798
Iteration: 2 residual: 2166408.36902476
Iteration: 3 residual: 19078.14976325
Iteration: 4 residual: 2.12913739
Iteration: 5 residual: 0.00003700
Time step @time = 9:
Iteration: 0 residual: 159537.60129718
Iteration: 1 residual: 9113096.78354406
Iteration: 2 residual: 1942261.17847130
Iteration: 3 residual: 14972.09948485
Iteration: 4 residual: 1.53213288
Iteration: 5 residual: 0.00003588
Time step @time = 10:
Iteration: 0 residual: 159537.60129681
Iteration: 1 residual: 9810716.23843057
Iteration: 2 residual: 1947382.98912119
Iteration: 3 residual: 34190.85171497
Iteration: 4 residual: 4.44141634
Iteration: 5 residual: 0.00005322
Finally we plot the load-displacement curve.
using Plots
vcat(0.0, u_max), # add the origin as a point
vcat(0.0, traction_magnitude),
linewidth = 2,
title = "Traction-displacement",
label = nothing,
markershape = :auto
ylabel!("Traction [Pa]")
xlabel!("Maximum deflection [m]")
Figure 2. Load-displacement-curve for the beam, showing a clear decrease in stiffness as more material starts to yield.
Plain program
Here follows a version of the program without any comments. The file is also available here: plasticity.jl
using Ferrite, Tensors, SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra, Printf
struct J2Plasticity{T, S <: SymmetricTensor{4, 3, T}}
G::T # Shear modulus
K::T # Bulk modulus
σ₀::T # Initial yield limit
H::T # Hardening modulus
Dᵉ::S # Elastic stiffness tensor
function J2Plasticity(E, ν, σ₀, H)
δ(i, j) = i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0 # helper function
G = E / 2(1 + ν)
K = E / 3(1 - 2ν)
Isymdev(i, j, k, l) = 0.5 * (δ(i, k) * δ(j, l) + δ(i, l) * δ(j, k)) - 1.0 / 3.0 * δ(i, j) * δ(k, l)
temp(i, j, k, l) = 2.0G * (0.5 * (δ(i, k) * δ(j, l) + δ(i, l) * δ(j, k)) + ν / (1.0 - 2.0ν) * δ(i, j) * δ(k, l))
Dᵉ = SymmetricTensor{4, 3}(temp)
return J2Plasticity(G, K, σ₀, H, Dᵉ)
struct MaterialState{T, S <: SecondOrderTensor{3, T}}
# Store "converged" values
ϵᵖ::S # plastic strain
σ::S # stress
k::T # hardening variable
function MaterialState()
return MaterialState(
zero(SymmetricTensor{2, 3}),
zero(SymmetricTensor{2, 3}),
function vonMises(σ)
s = dev(σ)
return sqrt(3.0 / 2.0 * s ⊡ s)
function compute_stress_tangent(ϵ::SymmetricTensor{2, 3}, material::J2Plasticity, state::MaterialState)
# unpack some material parameters
G = material.G
H = material.H
# We use (•)ᵗ to denote *trial*-values
σᵗ = material.Dᵉ ⊡ (ϵ - state.ϵᵖ) # trial-stress
sᵗ = dev(σᵗ) # deviatoric part of trial-stress
J₂ = 0.5 * sᵗ ⊡ sᵗ # second invariant of sᵗ
σᵗₑ = sqrt(3.0 * J₂) # effective trial-stress (von Mises stress)
σʸ = material.σ₀ + H * state.k # Previous yield limit
φᵗ = σᵗₑ - σʸ # Trial-value of the yield surface
if φᵗ < 0.0 # elastic loading
return σᵗ, material.Dᵉ, MaterialState(state.ϵᵖ, σᵗ, state.k)
else # plastic loading
h = H + 3G
μ = φᵗ / h # plastic multiplier
c1 = 1 - 3G * μ / σᵗₑ
s = c1 * sᵗ # updated deviatoric stress
σ = s + vol(σᵗ) # updated stress
# Compute algorithmic tangent stiffness ``D = \frac{\Delta \sigma }{\Delta \epsilon}``
κ = H * (state.k + μ) # drag stress
σₑ = material.σ₀ + κ # updated yield surface
δ(i, j) = i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0
Isymdev(i, j, k, l) = 0.5 * (δ(i, k) * δ(j, l) + δ(i, l) * δ(j, k)) - 1.0 / 3.0 * δ(i, j) * δ(k, l)
Q(i, j, k, l) = Isymdev(i, j, k, l) - 3.0 / (2.0 * σₑ^2) * s[i, j] * s[k, l]
b = (3G * μ / σₑ) / (1.0 + 3G * μ / σₑ)
Dtemp(i, j, k, l) = -2G * b * Q(i, j, k, l) - 9G^2 / (h * σₑ^2) * s[i, j] * s[k, l]
D = material.Dᵉ + SymmetricTensor{4, 3}(Dtemp)
# Return new state
Δϵᵖ = 3 / 2 * μ / σₑ * s # plastic strain
ϵᵖ = state.ϵᵖ + Δϵᵖ # plastic strain
k = state.k + μ # hardening variable
return σ, D, MaterialState(ϵᵖ, σ, k)
function create_values(interpolation)
# setup quadrature rules
qr = QuadratureRule{RefTetrahedron}(2)
facet_qr = FacetQuadratureRule{RefTetrahedron}(3)
# cell and facetvalues for u
cellvalues_u = CellValues(qr, interpolation)
facetvalues_u = FacetValues(facet_qr, interpolation)
return cellvalues_u, facetvalues_u
function create_dofhandler(grid, interpolation)
dh = DofHandler(grid)
add!(dh, :u, interpolation) # add a displacement field with 3 components
return dh
function create_bc(dh, grid)
dbcs = ConstraintHandler(dh)
# Clamped on the left side
dofs = [1, 2, 3]
dbc = Dirichlet(:u, getfacetset(grid, "left"), (x, t) -> [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dofs)
add!(dbcs, dbc)
return dbcs
function doassemble!(
K::SparseMatrixCSC, r::Vector, cellvalues::CellValues, dh::DofHandler,
material::J2Plasticity, u, states, states_old
assembler = start_assemble(K, r)
nu = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues)
re = zeros(nu) # element residual vector
ke = zeros(nu, nu) # element tangent matrix
for (i, cell) in enumerate(CellIterator(dh))
fill!(ke, 0)
fill!(re, 0)
eldofs = celldofs(cell)
ue = u[eldofs]
state = @view states[:, i]
state_old = @view states_old[:, i]
assemble_cell!(ke, re, cell, cellvalues, material, ue, state, state_old)
assemble!(assembler, eldofs, ke, re)
return K, r
function assemble_cell!(Ke, re, cell, cellvalues, material, ue, state, state_old)
n_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues)
reinit!(cellvalues, cell)
for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues)
# For each integration point, compute stress and material stiffness
ϵ = function_symmetric_gradient(cellvalues, q_point, ue) # Total strain
σ, D, state[q_point] = compute_stress_tangent(ϵ, material, state_old[q_point])
dΩ = getdetJdV(cellvalues, q_point)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs
δϵ = shape_symmetric_gradient(cellvalues, q_point, i)
re[i] += (δϵ ⊡ σ) * dΩ # add internal force to residual
for j in 1:i # loop only over lower half
Δϵ = shape_symmetric_gradient(cellvalues, q_point, j)
Ke[i, j] += δϵ ⊡ D ⊡ Δϵ * dΩ
function symmetrize_lower!(K)
for i in 1:size(K, 1)
for j in (i + 1):size(K, 1)
K[i, j] = K[j, i]
function doassemble_neumann!(r, dh, facetset, facetvalues, t)
n_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(facetvalues)
re = zeros(n_basefuncs) # element residual vector
for fc in FacetIterator(dh, facetset)
# Add traction as a negative contribution to the element residual `re`:
reinit!(facetvalues, fc)
fill!(re, 0)
for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(facetvalues)
dΓ = getdetJdV(facetvalues, q_point)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs
δu = shape_value(facetvalues, q_point, i)
re[i] -= (δu ⋅ t) * dΓ
assemble!(r, celldofs(fc), re)
return r
function solve()
# Define material parameters
E = 200.0e9 # [Pa]
H = E / 20 # [Pa]
ν = 0.3 # [-]
σ₀ = 200.0e6 # [Pa]
material = J2Plasticity(E, ν, σ₀, H)
L = 10.0 # beam length [m]
w = 1.0 # beam width [m]
h = 1.0 # beam height[m]
n_timesteps = 10
u_max = zeros(n_timesteps)
traction_magnitude = 1.0e7 * range(0.5, 1.0, length = n_timesteps)
# Create geometry, dofs and boundary conditions
n = 2
nels = (10n, n, 2n) # number of elements in each spatial direction
P1 = Vec((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # start point for geometry
P2 = Vec((L, w, h)) # end point for geometry
grid = generate_grid(Tetrahedron, nels, P1, P2)
interpolation = Lagrange{RefTetrahedron, 1}()^3
dh = create_dofhandler(grid, interpolation) # JuaFEM helper function
dbcs = create_bc(dh, grid) # create Dirichlet boundary-conditions
cellvalues, facetvalues = create_values(interpolation)
# Pre-allocate solution vectors, etc.
n_dofs = ndofs(dh) # total number of dofs
u = zeros(n_dofs) # solution vector
Δu = zeros(n_dofs) # displacement correction
r = zeros(n_dofs) # residual
K = allocate_matrix(dh) # tangent stiffness matrix
# Create material states. One array for each cell, where each element is an array of material-
# states - one for each integration point
nqp = getnquadpoints(cellvalues)
states = [MaterialState() for _ in 1:nqp, _ in 1:getncells(grid)]
states_old = [MaterialState() for _ in 1:nqp, _ in 1:getncells(grid)]
# Newton-Raphson loop
NEWTON_TOL = 1 # 1 N
print("\n Starting Netwon iterations:\n")
for timestep in 1:n_timesteps
t = timestep # actual time (used for evaluating d-bndc)
traction = Vec((0.0, 0.0, traction_magnitude[timestep]))
newton_itr = -1
print("\n Time step @time = $timestep:\n")
update!(dbcs, t) # evaluates the D-bndc at time t
apply!(u, dbcs) # set the prescribed values in the solution vector
while true
newton_itr += 1
if newton_itr > 8
error("Reached maximum Newton iterations, aborting")
# Tangent and residual contribution from the cells (volume integral)
doassemble!(K, r, cellvalues, dh, material, u, states, states_old)
# Residual contribution from the Neumann boundary (surface integral)
doassemble_neumann!(r, dh, getfacetset(grid, "right"), facetvalues, traction)
norm_r = norm(r[Ferrite.free_dofs(dbcs)])
print("Iteration: $newton_itr \tresidual: $(@sprintf("%.8f", norm_r))\n")
if norm_r < NEWTON_TOL
apply_zero!(K, r, dbcs)
Δu = Symmetric(K) \ r
u -= Δu
# Update the old states with the converged values for next timestep
states_old .= states
u_max[timestep] = maximum(abs, u) # maximum displacement in current timestep
# ## Postprocessing
# Only a vtu-file corresponding to the last time-step is exported.
# The following is a quick (and dirty) way of extracting average cell data for export.
mises_values = zeros(getncells(grid))
κ_values = zeros(getncells(grid))
for (el, cell_states) in enumerate(eachcol(states))
for state in cell_states
mises_values[el] += vonMises(state.σ)
κ_values[el] += state.k * material.H
mises_values[el] /= length(cell_states) # average von Mises stress
κ_values[el] /= length(cell_states) # average drag stress
VTKGridFile("plasticity", dh) do vtk
write_solution(vtk, dh, u) # displacement field
write_cell_data(vtk, mises_values, "von Mises [Pa]")
write_cell_data(vtk, κ_values, "Drag stress [Pa]")
return u_max, traction_magnitude
u_max, traction_magnitude = solve();
using Plots
vcat(0.0, u_max), # add the origin as a point
vcat(0.0, traction_magnitude),
linewidth = 2,
title = "Traction-displacement",
label = nothing,
markershape = :auto
ylabel!("Traction [Pa]")
xlabel!("Maximum deflection [m]")
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