Multi-threaded assembly


This example is also available as a Jupyter notebook: threaded_assembly.ipynb.


In this howto we will explore how to use task based multithreading (shared memory parallelism) to speed up the analysis. Some parts of a finite element simulation are trivially parallelizable such as the computation of the local element contributions since each element can be processed independently. However, two things need to be considered in order to parallelize safely:

  • Modification of shared data: Although the contributions from all the elements can be computed independently, eventually they need to be assembled into the global matrix and vector. Letting each task assemble their own contribution would lead to race conditions since elements share degrees of freedom with each other. There are various ways to remedy this, for example:
    • Locking: By using a lock around the call to assemble! we can ensure that only one task assembles at a time. This is simple to implement but can lead to lock contention and thus poor performance. Another drawback is that the results will not be deterministic since floating point operations are neither associative nor commutative.
    • Assembler task: By using a designated task for the assembling we (obviously) ensure that only a single task assembles. The worker tasks (the tasks computing the element contributions) would then hand off their results to the assemly task. This can be a useful approach if computing the element contributions is much slower than the assembly – otherwise the assembler task can't keep up with the worker tasks. There might also be some extra overhead because of task switching in the scheduler. The problem with non-deterministic results still remains.
    • Grid coloring: By "coloring" the grid such that, within each color, no two elements share degrees of freedom, we can safely assemble each color in parallel. Even if concurrently running tasks will write to the global matrix and vector they will not write to the same memory locations. Note also that this procedure gives predictable results because for a memory location which, for example, a "red", a "blue", and a "green" element will contribute to we will always add the red first, then the blue, and finally the green.
  • Scratch data: In order to speed up the computation of the element contributions we typically pre-allocate some data structures that can be reused for every element. Such scratch data include, for example, the local matrix and vector, and the CellValues. Each task need their own copy of the scratch data since they will be modified for each element.

Grid coloring

Ferrite include functionality to color the grid with the create_coloring function. Here we create a simple 2D grid, color it, and export the colors to a VTK file to visualize the result (see Figure 1.). Note that no cells with the same color has any shared nodes (dofs). This means that it is safe to assemble in parallel as long as we only assemble one color at a time.

There are two coloring algorithms implemented: the "workstream" algorithm (from Turcksin et al. [11]) and a "greedy" algorithm. For this structured grid the greedy algorithm uses fewer colors, but both algorithms result in colors that contain roughly the same number of elements. The workstream algorithm is the default one since it in general results in more balanced colors. For unstructured grids the greedy algorithm can result in colors with very few elements, for example.

using Ferrite, SparseArrays

function create_example_2d_grid()
    grid = generate_grid(Quadrilateral, (10, 10), Vec{2}((0.0, 0.0)), Vec{2}((10.0, 10.0)))
    colors_workstream = create_coloring(grid; alg = ColoringAlgorithm.WorkStream)
    colors_greedy = create_coloring(grid; alg = ColoringAlgorithm.Greedy)
    VTKGridFile("colored", grid) do vtk
        Ferrite.write_cell_colors(vtk, grid, colors_workstream, "workstream-coloring")
        Ferrite.write_cell_colors(vtk, grid, colors_greedy, "greedy-coloring")

VTKGridFile for the closed file "colored.vtu".

Figure 1: Element coloring using the "workstream"-algorithm (left) and the "greedy"- algorithm (right).

Multithreaded assembly of a cantilever beam in 3D

We will now look at an example where we assemble the stiffness matrix and right hand side using multiple threads. The problem setup is a cantilever beam in 3D with a linear elastic material behavior. For this exercise we only focus on the multithreading and are not bothered with boundary conditions. For more details refer to the tutorial on linear elasticity.


We define the element routine, material stiffness, grid and DofHandler just like in the tutorial on linear elasticity without discussing it further here.

# Element routine
function assemble_cell!(Ke::Matrix, fe::Vector, cellvalues::CellValues, C::SymmetricTensor, b::Vec)
    fill!(Ke, 0)
    fill!(fe, 0)
    for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues)
        dΩ = getdetJdV(cellvalues, q_point)
        for i in 1:getnbasefunctions(cellvalues)
            δui = shape_value(cellvalues, q_point, i)
            fe[i] += (δui ⋅ b) * dΩ
            ∇δui = shape_symmetric_gradient(cellvalues, q_point, i)
            for j in 1:getnbasefunctions(cellvalues)
                ∇uj = shape_symmetric_gradient(cellvalues, q_point, j)
                Ke[i, j] += (∇δui ⊡ C ⊡ ∇uj) * dΩ
    return Ke, fe

# Material stiffness
function create_material_stiffness()
    E = 200.0e9
    ν = 0.3
    λ = E * ν / ((1 + ν) * (1 - 2ν))
    μ = E / (2(1 + ν))
    δ(i, j) = i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0
    C = SymmetricTensor{4, 3}() do i, j, k, l
        return λ * δ(i, j) * δ(k, l) + μ * (δ(i, k) * δ(j, l) + δ(i, l) * δ(j, k))
    return C

# Grid and grid coloring
function create_cantilever_grid(n::Int)
    xmin = Vec{3}((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
    xmax = Vec{3}((10.0, 1.0, 1.0))
    grid = generate_grid(Hexahedron, (10 * n, n, n), xmin, xmax)
    colors = create_coloring(grid)
    return grid, colors

# DofHandler with displacement field u
function create_dofhandler(grid::Grid, interpolation::VectorInterpolation)
    dh = DofHandler(grid)
    add!(dh, :u, interpolation)
    return dh

Task local scratch data

We group everything that needs to be duplicated for each task in the struct ScratchData:

  • cell_cache::CellCache: contain buffers for coordinates and (global) dofs which will be reinit!ed for each cell.
  • cellvalues::CellValues: the cell values which will be reinit!ed for each cell using the cell_cache
  • Ke::Matrix: the local matrix
  • fe::Vector: the local vector
  • assembler: the assembler (which needs to be duplicated because it contains buffers that are modified during the call to assemble!)
struct ScratchData{CC, CV, T, A}

This constructor will be called within each task to create a independent ScratchData object. For cell_cache, Ke, and fe we simply call the constructors to allocate independent objects. For cellvalues we use copy which Ferrite defines for this purpose. Finally, for the assembler we call start_assemble to create a new assembler but note that we set fillzero = false because we don't want to risk that a task that starts a bit later will zero out data that another task have already assembled.

function ScratchData(dh::DofHandler, K::SparseMatrixCSC, f::Vector, cellvalues::CellValues)
    cell_cache = CellCache(dh)
    n = ndofs_per_cell(dh)
    Ke = zeros(n, n)
    fe = zeros(n)
    asm = start_assemble(K, f; fillzero = false)
    return ScratchData(cell_cache, copy(cellvalues), Ke, fe, asm)

Global assembly routine

Finally we define the global assemble routine, which is where the parallelization happens. The main difference from all previous assemble_global! functions is that we now have an outer loop over the colors, and then the inner loop over the cells in each color, which can be parallelized.

For the scheduling of parallel tasks we use the OhMyThreads.jl package. OhMyThreads provides a macro based and a functional API. Here we use the macro based API because it is slightly more convenient when using task local values since they can be defined with the @local macro.

Schedulers and load balancing

OhMyThreads provides a number of different schedulers. In this example we use the DynamicScheduler (which is the default one). The DynamicScheduler will spawn ntasks tasks where each task will process a chunk of (roughly) equal number of cells (i.e. length(color) ÷ ntasks). This should be a good choice for this example because we expect all cells to take the same time to process and we don't need any load balancing.

For a different problem setup where some cells might take longer to process (perhaps they experience plastic deformation and we need to solve a local problem) we might benefit from load balancing. The DynamicScheduler can be used also for load balancing by specifiying nchunks or chunksize. However, the DynamicScheduler will always spawn nchunks tasks which can become costly since we are allocating scratch data for every task. To limit the number of tasks, while allowing for more than ntasks chunks, we can use the GreedyScheduler with chunking. For example, scheduler = OhMyThreads.GreedyScheduler(; ntasks = ntasks, nchunks = 10 * ntasks) will split the work into 10 * ntasks chunks and spawn ntasks tasks to process them. Refer to the OhMyThreads documentation for details.

using OhMyThreads, TaskLocalValues

function assemble_global!(
        K::SparseMatrixCSC, f::Vector, dh::DofHandler, colors,
        cellvalues_template::CellValues; ntasks = Threads.nthreads()
    # Zero-out existing data in K and f
    _ = start_assemble(K, f)
    # Body force and material stiffness
    b = Vec{3}((0.0, 0.0, -1.0))
    C = create_material_stiffness()
    # Loop over the colors
    for color in colors
        # Dynamic scheduler spawning `ntasks` tasks where each task will process a chunk of
        # (roughly) equal number of cells (`length(color) ÷ ntasks`).
        scheduler = OhMyThreads.DynamicScheduler(; ntasks)
        # Parallelize the loop over the cells in this color
        OhMyThreads.@tasks for cellidx in color
            # Tell the @tasks loop to use the scheduler defined above
            @set scheduler = scheduler
            # Obtain a task local scratch and unpack it
            @local scratch = ScratchData(dh, K, f, cellvalues_template)
            (; cell_cache, cellvalues, Ke, fe, assembler) = scratch
            # Reinitialize the cell cache and then the cellvalues
            reinit!(cell_cache, cellidx)
            reinit!(cellvalues, cell_cache)
            # Compute the local contribution of the cell
            assemble_cell!(Ke, fe, cellvalues, C, b)
            # Assemble local contribution
            assemble!(assembler, celldofs(cell_cache), Ke, fe)
    return K, f
OhMyThreads functional API: OhMyThreads.tforeach

The OhMyThreads.@tasks block above corresponds to a call to OhMyThreads.tforeach. Using the functional API directly would look like below. The main difference is that we need to manually create a TaskLocalValue for the scratch data.

# using TaskLocalValues
scratches = TaskLocalValue() do
    ScratchData(dh, K, f, cellvalues)
OhMyThreads.tforeach(color; scheduler) do cellidx
    # Obtain a task local scratch and unpack it
    scratch = scratches[]
    (; cell_cache, cellvalues, Ke, fe, assembler) = scratch
    # Reinitialize the cell cache and then the cellvalues
    reinit!(cell_cache, cellidx)
    reinit!(cellvalues, cell_cache)
    # Compute the local contribution of the cell
    assemble_cell!(Ke, fe, cellvalues, C, b)
    # Assemble local contribution
    assemble!(assembler, celldofs(cell_cache), Ke, fe)

We define the main function to setup everything and then time the call to assemble_global!.

function main(; n = 20, ntasks = Threads.nthreads())
    # Interpolation, quadrature and cellvalues
    interpolation = Lagrange{RefHexahedron, 1}()^3
    quadrature = QuadratureRule{RefHexahedron}(2)
    cellvalues = CellValues(quadrature, interpolation)
    # Grid, colors and DofHandler
    grid, colors = create_cantilever_grid(n)
    dh = create_dofhandler(grid, interpolation)
    # Global matrix and vector
    K = allocate_matrix(dh)
    f = zeros(ndofs(dh))
    # Compile it
    assemble_global!(K, f, dh, colors, cellvalues; ntasks = ntasks)
    # Time it
    @time assemble_global!(K, f, dh, colors, cellvalues; ntasks = ntasks)

On a machine with 4 cores, starting julia with --threads=auto, we obtain the following timings:

main(; ntasks = 1) # 1.970784 seconds (902 allocations: 816.172 KiB)
main(; ntasks = 2) # 1.025065 seconds (1.64 k allocations: 1.564 MiB)
main(; ntasks = 3) # 0.700423 seconds (2.38 k allocations: 2.332 MiB)
main(; ntasks = 4) # 0.548356 seconds (3.12 k allocations: 3.099 MiB)

Plain program

Here follows a version of the program without any comments. The file is also available here: threaded_assembly.jl.

using Ferrite, SparseArrays

function create_example_2d_grid()
    grid = generate_grid(Quadrilateral, (10, 10), Vec{2}((0.0, 0.0)), Vec{2}((10.0, 10.0)))
    colors_workstream = create_coloring(grid; alg = ColoringAlgorithm.WorkStream)
    colors_greedy = create_coloring(grid; alg = ColoringAlgorithm.Greedy)
    VTKGridFile("colored", grid) do vtk
        Ferrite.write_cell_colors(vtk, grid, colors_workstream, "workstream-coloring")
        Ferrite.write_cell_colors(vtk, grid, colors_greedy, "greedy-coloring")


# Element routine
function assemble_cell!(Ke::Matrix, fe::Vector, cellvalues::CellValues, C::SymmetricTensor, b::Vec)
    fill!(Ke, 0)
    fill!(fe, 0)
    for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues)
        dΩ = getdetJdV(cellvalues, q_point)
        for i in 1:getnbasefunctions(cellvalues)
            δui = shape_value(cellvalues, q_point, i)
            fe[i] += (δui ⋅ b) * dΩ
            ∇δui = shape_symmetric_gradient(cellvalues, q_point, i)
            for j in 1:getnbasefunctions(cellvalues)
                ∇uj = shape_symmetric_gradient(cellvalues, q_point, j)
                Ke[i, j] += (∇δui ⊡ C ⊡ ∇uj) * dΩ
    return Ke, fe

# Material stiffness
function create_material_stiffness()
    E = 200.0e9
    ν = 0.3
    λ = E * ν / ((1 + ν) * (1 - 2ν))
    μ = E / (2(1 + ν))
    δ(i, j) = i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0
    C = SymmetricTensor{4, 3}() do i, j, k, l
        return λ * δ(i, j) * δ(k, l) + μ * (δ(i, k) * δ(j, l) + δ(i, l) * δ(j, k))
    return C

# Grid and grid coloring
function create_cantilever_grid(n::Int)
    xmin = Vec{3}((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
    xmax = Vec{3}((10.0, 1.0, 1.0))
    grid = generate_grid(Hexahedron, (10 * n, n, n), xmin, xmax)
    colors = create_coloring(grid)
    return grid, colors

# DofHandler with displacement field u
function create_dofhandler(grid::Grid, interpolation::VectorInterpolation)
    dh = DofHandler(grid)
    add!(dh, :u, interpolation)
    return dh
nothing # hide

struct ScratchData{CC, CV, T, A}

function ScratchData(dh::DofHandler, K::SparseMatrixCSC, f::Vector, cellvalues::CellValues)
    cell_cache = CellCache(dh)
    n = ndofs_per_cell(dh)
    Ke = zeros(n, n)
    fe = zeros(n)
    asm = start_assemble(K, f; fillzero = false)
    return ScratchData(cell_cache, copy(cellvalues), Ke, fe, asm)
nothing # hide

using OhMyThreads, TaskLocalValues

function assemble_global!(
        K::SparseMatrixCSC, f::Vector, dh::DofHandler, colors,
        cellvalues_template::CellValues; ntasks = Threads.nthreads()
    # Zero-out existing data in K and f
    _ = start_assemble(K, f)
    # Body force and material stiffness
    b = Vec{3}((0.0, 0.0, -1.0))
    C = create_material_stiffness()
    # Loop over the colors
    for color in colors
        # Dynamic scheduler spawning `ntasks` tasks where each task will process a chunk of
        # (roughly) equal number of cells (`length(color) ÷ ntasks`).
        scheduler = OhMyThreads.DynamicScheduler(; ntasks)
        # Parallelize the loop over the cells in this color
        OhMyThreads.@tasks for cellidx in color
            # Tell the @tasks loop to use the scheduler defined above
            @set scheduler = scheduler
            # Obtain a task local scratch and unpack it
            @local scratch = ScratchData(dh, K, f, cellvalues_template)
            (; cell_cache, cellvalues, Ke, fe, assembler) = scratch
            # Reinitialize the cell cache and then the cellvalues
            reinit!(cell_cache, cellidx)
            reinit!(cellvalues, cell_cache)
            # Compute the local contribution of the cell
            assemble_cell!(Ke, fe, cellvalues, C, b)
            # Assemble local contribution
            assemble!(assembler, celldofs(cell_cache), Ke, fe)
    return K, f
nothing # hide

function main(; n = 20, ntasks = Threads.nthreads())
    # Interpolation, quadrature and cellvalues
    interpolation = Lagrange{RefHexahedron, 1}()^3
    quadrature = QuadratureRule{RefHexahedron}(2)
    cellvalues = CellValues(quadrature, interpolation)
    # Grid, colors and DofHandler
    grid, colors = create_cantilever_grid(n)
    dh = create_dofhandler(grid, interpolation)
    # Global matrix and vector
    K = allocate_matrix(dh)
    f = zeros(ndofs(dh))
    # Compile it
    assemble_global!(K, f, dh, colors, cellvalues; ntasks = ntasks)
    # Time it
    @time assemble_global!(K, f, dh, colors, cellvalues; ntasks = ntasks)
nothing # hide

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