Sparsity pattern and sparse matrices

An important property of the finite element method is that it results in sparse matrices for the linear systems to be solved. On this page the topic of sparsity and sparse matrices are discussed.

Sparsity pattern

The sparse structure of the linear system depends on many factors such as e.g. the weak form, the discretization, and the choice of interpolation(s). In the end it boils down to how the degrees of freedom (DoFs) couple with each other. The most common reason that two DoFs couple is because they belong to the same element. Note, however, that this is not guaranteed to result in a coupling since it depends on the specific weak form that is being discretized, see e.g. Increasing the sparsity. Boundary conditions and constraints can also result in additional DoF couplings.

If DoFs i and j couple, then the computed value in the eventual matrix will be structurally nonzero[1]. In this case the entry (i, j) should be included in the sparsity pattern. Conversely, if DoFs i and j don't couple, then the computed value will be zero. In this case the entry (i, j) should not be included in the sparsity pattern since there is no need to allocate memory for entries that will be zero.

The sparsity, i.e. the ratio of zero-entries to the total number of entries, is often[2] very high and taking advantage of this results in huge savings in terms of memory. For example, in a problem with $10^6$ DoFs there will be a matrix of size $10^6 \times 10^6$. If all $10^{12}$ entries of this matrix had to be stored (0% sparsity) as double precision (Float64, 8 bytes) it would require 8 TB of memory. If instead the sparsity is 99.9973% (which is the case when solving the heat equation on a three dimensional hypercube with linear Lagrange interpolation) this would be reduced to 216 MB.

Sparsity pattern example

To give an example, in this one-dimensional heat problem (see the Heat equation tutorial for the weak form) we have 4 nodes with 3 elements in between. For simplicitly DoF numbers and node numbers are the same but this is not true in general since nodes and DoFs can be numbered independently (and in fact are numbered independently in Ferrite).

1 ----- 2 ----- 3 ----- 4

Assuming we use linear Lagrange interpolation (the "hat functions") this will give the following connections according to the weak form:

  • Trial function 1 couples with test functions 1 and 2 (entries (1, 1) and (1, 2) included in the sparsity pattern)
  • Trial function 2 couples with test functions 1, 2, and 3 (entries (2, 1), (2, 2), and (2, 3) included in the sparsity pattern)
  • Trial function 3 couples with test functions 2, 3, and 4 (entries (3, 2), (3, 3), and (3, 4) included in the sparsity pattern)
  • Trial function 4 couples with test functions 3 and 4 (entries (4, 3) and (4, 4) included in the sparsity pattern)

The resulting sparsity pattern would look like this:

4×4 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 10 stored entries:
 0.0  0.0   ⋅    ⋅
 0.0  0.0  0.0   ⋅
  ⋅   0.0  0.0  0.0
  ⋅    ⋅   0.0  0.0

Moreover, if the problem is solved with periodic boundary conditions, for example by constraining the value on the right side to the value on the left side, there will be additional couplings. In the example above, this means that DoF 4 should be equal to DoF

  1. Since DoF 4 is constrained it has to be eliminated from the system. Existing entries

that include DoF 4 are (3, 4), (4, 3), and (4, 4). Given the simple constraint in this case we can simply replace DoF 4 with DoF 1 in these entries and we end up with entries (3, 1), (1, 3), and (1, 1). This results in two new entries: (3, 1) and (1, 3) (entry (1, 1) is already included).

Creating sparsity patterns

Creating a sparsity pattern can be quite expensive if not done properly and therefore Ferrite provides efficient methods and data structures for this. In general the sparsity pattern is not known in advance and has to be created incrementally. To make this incremental construction efficient it is necessary to use a dynamic data structure which allow for fast insertions.

The sparsity pattern also serves as a "matrix builder". When all entries are inserted into the sparsity pattern the dynamic data structure is typically converted, or "compressed", into a sparse matrix format such as e.g. the compressed sparse row (CSR) format or the compressed sparse column (CSC) format, where the latter is the default sparse matrix type implemented in the SparseArrays standard library. These matrix formats allow for fast linear algebra operations, such as factorizations and matrix-vector multiplications, that are needed when the linear system is solved. See Instantiating the sparse matrix for more details.

In summary, a dynamic structure is more efficient when incrementally building the pattern by inserting new entries, and a static or compressed structure is more efficient for linear algebra operations.

Basic sparsity patterns construction

Working with the sparsity pattern explicitly is in many cases not necessary. For basic usage (e.g. when only one matrix needed, when no customization of the pattern is required, etc) there exist convenience methods of allocate_matrix that return the matrix directly. Most examples in this documentation don't deal with the sparsity pattern explicitly because the basic method suffice. See also Instantiating the sparse matrix for more details.

Custom sparsity pattern construction

In more advanced cases there might be a need for more fine grained control of the sparsity pattern. The following steps are typically taken when constructing a sparsity pattern in Ferrite:

  1. Initialize an empty pattern: This can be done by either using the init_sparsity_pattern(dh) function or by using a constructor directly. init_sparsity_pattern will return a default pattern type that is compatible with the DofHandler. In some cases you might require another type of pattern (for example a blocked pattern, see Blocked sparsity pattern) and in that case you can use the constructor directly.

  2. Add entries to the pattern: There are a number of functions that add entries to the pattern:

    • add_sparsity_entries! is a convenience method for performing the common task of calling add_cell_entries!, add_interface_entries!, and add_constraint_entries! after each other (see below).
    • add_cell_entries! adds entries for all couplings between the DoFs within each element. These entries correspond to assembling the standard element matrix and is thus almost always required.
    • add_interface_entries! adds entries for couplings between the DoFs in neighboring elements. These entries are required when integrating along internal interfaces between elements (e.g. for discontinuous Galerkin methods).
    • add_constraint_entries! adds entries required from constraints and boundary conditions in the ConstraintHandler. Note that this operation depends on existing entries in the pattern and must be called as the last operation on the pattern.
    • Ferrite.add_entry! adds a single entry to the pattern. This can be used if you need to add custom entries that are not covered by the other functions.
  3. Instantiate the matrix: A sparse matrix can be created from the sparsity pattern using allocate_matrix, see Instantiating the sparse matrix below for more details.

Increasing the sparsity

By default, when creating a sparsity pattern, it is assumed that each DoF within an element couple with with all other DoFs in the element.

  • Discuss the coupling keyword argument.
  • Discuss the keep_constrained keyword argument.

Blocked sparsity pattern


Discuss BlockSparsityPattern and BlockArrays extension.

Instantiating the sparse matrix

As mentioned above, for many simple cases there is no need to work with the sparsity pattern directly and using methods of allocate_matrix that take the DofHandler as input is enough, for example:

K = allocate_matrix(dh, ch)

allocate_matrix is also used to instantiate a matrix from a sparsity pattern, for example:

K = allocate_matrix(sp)
Multiple matrices with the same pattern

For some problems there is a need for multiple matrices with the same sparsity pattern, for example a mass matrix and a stiffness matrix. In this case it is more efficient to create the sparsity pattern once and then instantiate both matrices from it.

  • 1Structurally nonzero means that there is a possibility of a nonzero value even though the computed value might become zero in the end for various reasons.
  • 2At least for most practical problems using low order interpolations.