Incompressible Elasticity
This example is also available as a Jupyter notebook: incompressible_elasticity.ipynb
Mixed elements can be used to overcome locking when the material becomes incompressible. However, for an element to be stable, it needs to fulfill the LBB condition. In this example we will consider two different element formulations
- linear displacement with linear pressure approximation (does not fulfill LBB)
- quadratic displacement with linear pressure approximation (does fulfill LBB)
The quadratic/linear element is also known as the Taylor-Hood element. We will consider Cook's Membrane with an applied traction on the right hand side.
Commented program
What follows is a program spliced with comments. The full program, without comments, can be found in the next section.
using Ferrite
using BlockArrays, SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra
First we generate a simple grid, specifying the 4 corners of Cooks membrane.
function create_cook_grid(nx, ny)
corners = [Vec{2}((0.0, 0.0)),
Vec{2}((48.0, 44.0)),
Vec{2}((48.0, 60.0)),
Vec{2}((0.0, 44.0))]
grid = generate_grid(Triangle, (nx, ny), corners);
# facesets for boundary conditions
addfaceset!(grid, "clamped", x -> norm(x[1]) ≈ 0.0);
addfaceset!(grid, "traction", x -> norm(x[1]) ≈ 48.0);
return grid
Next we define a function to set up our cell- and facevalues.
function create_values(interpolation_u, interpolation_p)
# quadrature rules
qr = QuadratureRule{2,RefTetrahedron}(3)
face_qr = QuadratureRule{1,RefTetrahedron}(3)
# geometric interpolation
interpolation_geom = Lagrange{2,RefTetrahedron,1}()
# cell and facevalues for u
cellvalues_u = CellVectorValues(qr, interpolation_u, interpolation_geom)
facevalues_u = FaceVectorValues(face_qr, interpolation_u, interpolation_geom)
# cellvalues for p
cellvalues_p = CellScalarValues(qr, interpolation_p, interpolation_geom)
return cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, facevalues_u
We create a DofHandler, with two fields, :u
and :p
, with possibly different interpolations
function create_dofhandler(grid, ipu, ipp)
dh = DofHandler(grid)
add!(dh, :u, 2, ipu) # displacement
add!(dh, :p, 1, ipp) # pressure
return dh
We also need to add Dirichlet boundary conditions on the "clamped"
faceset. We specify a homogeneous Dirichlet bc on the displacement field, :u
function create_bc(dh)
dbc = ConstraintHandler(dh)
add!(dbc, Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(dh.grid, "clamped"), (x,t) -> zero(Vec{2}), [1,2]))
t = 0.0
update!(dbc, t)
return dbc
The material is linear elastic, which is here specified by the shear and bulk moduli
struct LinearElasticity{T}
Now to the assembling of the stiffness matrix. This mixed formulation leads to a blocked element matrix. Since Ferrite does not force us to use any particular matrix type we will use a PseudoBlockArray
from BlockArrays.jl
function doassemble(cellvalues_u::CellVectorValues{dim}, cellvalues_p::CellScalarValues{dim},
facevalues_u::FaceVectorValues{dim}, K::SparseMatrixCSC, grid::Grid,
dh::DofHandler, mp::LinearElasticity) where {dim}
f = zeros(ndofs(dh))
assembler = start_assemble(K, f)
nu = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_u)
np = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_p)
fe = PseudoBlockArray(zeros(nu + np), [nu, np]) # local force vector
ke = PseudoBlockArray(zeros(nu + np, nu + np), [nu, np], [nu, np]) # local stiffness matrix
# traction vector
t = Vec{2}((0.0, 1/16))
# cache ɛdev outside the element routine to avoid some unnecessary allocations
ɛdev = [zero(SymmetricTensor{2, dim}) for i in 1:getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_u)]
for cell in CellIterator(dh)
fill!(ke, 0)
fill!(fe, 0)
assemble_up!(ke, fe, cell, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, facevalues_u, grid, mp, ɛdev, t)
assemble!(assembler, celldofs(cell), fe, ke)
return K, f
The element routine integrates the local stiffness and force vector for all elements. Since the problem results in a symmetric matrix we choose to only assemble the lower part, and then symmetrize it after the loop over the quadrature points.
function assemble_up!(Ke, fe, cell, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, facevalues_u, grid, mp, ɛdev, t)
n_basefuncs_u = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_u)
n_basefuncs_p = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_p)
u▄, p▄ = 1, 2
reinit!(cellvalues_u, cell)
reinit!(cellvalues_p, cell)
# We only assemble lower half triangle of the stiffness matrix and then symmetrize it.
for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues_u)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs_u
ɛdev[i] = dev(symmetric(shape_gradient(cellvalues_u, q_point, i)))
dΩ = getdetJdV(cellvalues_u, q_point)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs_u
divδu = shape_divergence(cellvalues_u, q_point, i)
δu = shape_value(cellvalues_u, q_point, i)
for j in 1:i
Ke[BlockIndex((u▄, u▄), (i, j))] += 2 * mp.G * ɛdev[i] ⊡ ɛdev[j] * dΩ
for i in 1:n_basefuncs_p
δp = shape_value(cellvalues_p, q_point, i)
for j in 1:n_basefuncs_u
divδu = shape_divergence(cellvalues_u, q_point, j)
Ke[BlockIndex((p▄, u▄), (i, j))] += -δp * divδu * dΩ
for j in 1:i
p = shape_value(cellvalues_p, q_point, j)
Ke[BlockIndex((p▄, p▄), (i, j))] += - 1/mp.K * δp * p * dΩ
# We integrate the Neumann boundary using the facevalues.
# We loop over all the faces in the cell, then check if the face
# is in our `"traction"` faceset.
for face in 1:nfaces(cell)
if onboundary(cell, face) && (cellid(cell), face) ∈ getfaceset(grid, "traction")
reinit!(facevalues_u, cell, face)
for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(facevalues_u)
dΓ = getdetJdV(facevalues_u, q_point)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs_u
δu = shape_value(facevalues_u, q_point, i)
fe[i] += (δu ⋅ t) * dΓ
function symmetrize_lower!(K)
for i in 1:size(K,1)
for j in i+1:size(K,1)
K[i,j] = K[j,i]
Now we have constructed all the necessary components, we just need a function to put it all together.
function solve(ν, interpolation_u, interpolation_p)
# material
Emod = 1.
Gmod = Emod / 2(1 + ν)
Kmod = Emod * ν / ((1+ν) * (1-2ν))
mp = LinearElasticity(Gmod, Kmod)
# grid, dofhandler, boundary condition
n = 50
grid = create_cook_grid(n, n)
dh = create_dofhandler(grid, interpolation_u, interpolation_p)
dbc = create_bc(dh)
# cellvalues
cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, facevalues_u = create_values(interpolation_u, interpolation_p)
# assembly and solve
K = create_sparsity_pattern(dh);
K, f = doassemble(cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, facevalues_u, K, grid, dh, mp);
apply!(K, f, dbc)
u = Symmetric(K) \ f;
# export
filename = "cook_" * (isa(interpolation_u, Lagrange{2,RefTetrahedron,1}) ? "linear" : "quadratic") *
vtk_grid(filename, dh) do vtkfile
vtk_point_data(vtkfile, dh, u)
return u
solve (generic function with 1 method)
All that is left is to solve the problem. We choose a value of Poissons ratio that is near incompressibility – $ν = 0.5$ – and thus expect the linear/linear approximation to return garbage, and the quadratic/linear approximation to be stable.
linear = Lagrange{2,RefTetrahedron,1}()
quadratic = Lagrange{2,RefTetrahedron,2}()
u1 = solve(0.4999999, linear, linear)
u2 = solve(0.4999999, quadratic, linear);
Plain program
Here follows a version of the program without any comments. The file is also available here: incompressible_elasticity.jl
using Ferrite
using BlockArrays, SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra
function create_cook_grid(nx, ny)
corners = [Vec{2}((0.0, 0.0)),
Vec{2}((48.0, 44.0)),
Vec{2}((48.0, 60.0)),
Vec{2}((0.0, 44.0))]
grid = generate_grid(Triangle, (nx, ny), corners);
# facesets for boundary conditions
addfaceset!(grid, "clamped", x -> norm(x[1]) ≈ 0.0);
addfaceset!(grid, "traction", x -> norm(x[1]) ≈ 48.0);
return grid
function create_values(interpolation_u, interpolation_p)
# quadrature rules
qr = QuadratureRule{2,RefTetrahedron}(3)
face_qr = QuadratureRule{1,RefTetrahedron}(3)
# geometric interpolation
interpolation_geom = Lagrange{2,RefTetrahedron,1}()
# cell and facevalues for u
cellvalues_u = CellVectorValues(qr, interpolation_u, interpolation_geom)
facevalues_u = FaceVectorValues(face_qr, interpolation_u, interpolation_geom)
# cellvalues for p
cellvalues_p = CellScalarValues(qr, interpolation_p, interpolation_geom)
return cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, facevalues_u
function create_dofhandler(grid, ipu, ipp)
dh = DofHandler(grid)
add!(dh, :u, 2, ipu) # displacement
add!(dh, :p, 1, ipp) # pressure
return dh
function create_bc(dh)
dbc = ConstraintHandler(dh)
add!(dbc, Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(dh.grid, "clamped"), (x,t) -> zero(Vec{2}), [1,2]))
t = 0.0
update!(dbc, t)
return dbc
struct LinearElasticity{T}
function doassemble(cellvalues_u::CellVectorValues{dim}, cellvalues_p::CellScalarValues{dim},
facevalues_u::FaceVectorValues{dim}, K::SparseMatrixCSC, grid::Grid,
dh::DofHandler, mp::LinearElasticity) where {dim}
f = zeros(ndofs(dh))
assembler = start_assemble(K, f)
nu = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_u)
np = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_p)
fe = PseudoBlockArray(zeros(nu + np), [nu, np]) # local force vector
ke = PseudoBlockArray(zeros(nu + np, nu + np), [nu, np], [nu, np]) # local stiffness matrix
# traction vector
t = Vec{2}((0.0, 1/16))
# cache ɛdev outside the element routine to avoid some unnecessary allocations
ɛdev = [zero(SymmetricTensor{2, dim}) for i in 1:getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_u)]
for cell in CellIterator(dh)
fill!(ke, 0)
fill!(fe, 0)
assemble_up!(ke, fe, cell, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, facevalues_u, grid, mp, ɛdev, t)
assemble!(assembler, celldofs(cell), fe, ke)
return K, f
function assemble_up!(Ke, fe, cell, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, facevalues_u, grid, mp, ɛdev, t)
n_basefuncs_u = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_u)
n_basefuncs_p = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_p)
u▄, p▄ = 1, 2
reinit!(cellvalues_u, cell)
reinit!(cellvalues_p, cell)
# We only assemble lower half triangle of the stiffness matrix and then symmetrize it.
for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues_u)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs_u
ɛdev[i] = dev(symmetric(shape_gradient(cellvalues_u, q_point, i)))
dΩ = getdetJdV(cellvalues_u, q_point)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs_u
divδu = shape_divergence(cellvalues_u, q_point, i)
δu = shape_value(cellvalues_u, q_point, i)
for j in 1:i
Ke[BlockIndex((u▄, u▄), (i, j))] += 2 * mp.G * ɛdev[i] ⊡ ɛdev[j] * dΩ
for i in 1:n_basefuncs_p
δp = shape_value(cellvalues_p, q_point, i)
for j in 1:n_basefuncs_u
divδu = shape_divergence(cellvalues_u, q_point, j)
Ke[BlockIndex((p▄, u▄), (i, j))] += -δp * divδu * dΩ
for j in 1:i
p = shape_value(cellvalues_p, q_point, j)
Ke[BlockIndex((p▄, p▄), (i, j))] += - 1/mp.K * δp * p * dΩ
# We integrate the Neumann boundary using the facevalues.
# We loop over all the faces in the cell, then check if the face
# is in our `"traction"` faceset.
for face in 1:nfaces(cell)
if onboundary(cell, face) && (cellid(cell), face) ∈ getfaceset(grid, "traction")
reinit!(facevalues_u, cell, face)
for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(facevalues_u)
dΓ = getdetJdV(facevalues_u, q_point)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs_u
δu = shape_value(facevalues_u, q_point, i)
fe[i] += (δu ⋅ t) * dΓ
function symmetrize_lower!(K)
for i in 1:size(K,1)
for j in i+1:size(K,1)
K[i,j] = K[j,i]
function solve(ν, interpolation_u, interpolation_p)
# material
Emod = 1.
Gmod = Emod / 2(1 + ν)
Kmod = Emod * ν / ((1+ν) * (1-2ν))
mp = LinearElasticity(Gmod, Kmod)
# grid, dofhandler, boundary condition
n = 50
grid = create_cook_grid(n, n)
dh = create_dofhandler(grid, interpolation_u, interpolation_p)
dbc = create_bc(dh)
# cellvalues
cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, facevalues_u = create_values(interpolation_u, interpolation_p)
# assembly and solve
K = create_sparsity_pattern(dh);
K, f = doassemble(cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, facevalues_u, K, grid, dh, mp);
apply!(K, f, dbc)
u = Symmetric(K) \ f;
# export
filename = "cook_" * (isa(interpolation_u, Lagrange{2,RefTetrahedron,1}) ? "linear" : "quadratic") *
vtk_grid(filename, dh) do vtkfile
vtk_point_data(vtkfile, dh, u)
return u
linear = Lagrange{2,RefTetrahedron,1}()
quadratic = Lagrange{2,RefTetrahedron,2}()
u1 = solve(0.4999999, linear, linear)
u2 = solve(0.4999999, quadratic, linear);
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