Threaded Assembly
This example is also available as a Jupyter notebook: threaded_assembly.ipynb
Example of a colored grid
Creates a simple 2D grid and colors it. Save the example grid to a VTK file to show the coloring. No cells with the same color has any shared nodes (dofs). This means that it is safe to assemble in parallel as long as we only assemble one color at a time.
For this structured grid the greedy algorithm uses fewer colors, but both algorithms result in colors that contain roughly the same number of elements. For unstructured grids the greedy algorithm can result in colors with very few element. For those cases the workstream algorithm is better since it tries to balance the colors evenly.
using Ferrite, SparseArrays
function create_example_2d_grid()
grid = generate_grid(Quadrilateral, (10, 10), Vec{2}((0.0, 0.0)), Vec{2}((10.0, 10.0)))
colors_workstream = create_coloring(grid; alg=ColoringAlgorithm.WorkStream)
colors_greedy = create_coloring(grid; alg=ColoringAlgorithm.Greedy)
vtk_grid("colored", grid) do vtk
vtk_cell_data_colors(vtk, colors_workstream, "workstream-coloring")
vtk_cell_data_colors(vtk, colors_greedy, "greedy-coloring")
Figure 1: Element coloring using the "workstream"-algorithm (left) and the "greedy"- algorithm (right).
Cantilever beam in 3D with threaded assembly
We will now look at an example where we assemble the stiffness matrix using multiple threads. We set up a simple grid and create a coloring, then create a DofHandler, and define the material stiffness
Grid for the beam
function create_colored_cantilever_grid(celltype, n)
grid = generate_grid(celltype, (10*n, n, n), Vec{3}((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), Vec{3}((10.0, 1.0, 1.0)))
colors = create_coloring(grid)
return grid, colors
function create_dofhandler(grid::Grid{dim}) where {dim}
dh = DofHandler(grid)
add!(dh, :u, dim) # Add a displacement field
Stiffness tensor for linear elasticity
function create_stiffness(::Val{dim}) where {dim}
E = 200e9
ν = 0.3
λ = E*ν / ((1+ν) * (1 - 2ν))
μ = E / (2(1+ν))
δ(i,j) = i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0
g(i,j,k,l) = λ*δ(i,j)*δ(k,l) + μ*(δ(i,k)*δ(j,l) + δ(i,l)*δ(j,k))
C = SymmetricTensor{4, dim}(g);
return C
Threaded data structures
ScratchValues is a thread-local collection of data that each thread needs to own, since we need to be able to mutate the data in the threads independently
struct ScratchValues{T, CV <: CellValues, FV <: FaceValues, TT <: AbstractTensor, dim, Ti}
coordinates::Vector{Vec{dim, T}}
assembler::Ferrite.AssemblerSparsityPattern{T, Ti}
Each thread need its own CellValues and FaceValues (although, for this example we don't use the FaceValues)
function create_values(refshape, dim, order::Int)
# Interpolations and values
interpolation_space = Lagrange{dim, refshape, 1}()
quadrature_rule = QuadratureRule{dim, refshape}(order)
face_quadrature_rule = QuadratureRule{dim-1, refshape}(order)
cellvalues = [CellVectorValues(quadrature_rule, interpolation_space) for i in 1:Threads.nthreads()];
facevalues = [FaceVectorValues(face_quadrature_rule, interpolation_space) for i in 1:Threads.nthreads()];
return cellvalues, facevalues
Create a ScratchValues
for each thread with the thread local data
function create_scratchvalues(K, f, dh::DofHandler{dim}) where {dim}
nthreads = Threads.nthreads()
assemblers = [start_assemble(K, f) for i in 1:nthreads]
cellvalues, facevalues = create_values(RefCube, dim, 2)
n_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues[1])
global_dofs = [zeros(Int, ndofs_per_cell(dh)) for i in 1:nthreads]
fes = [zeros(n_basefuncs) for i in 1:nthreads] # Local force vector
Kes = [zeros(n_basefuncs, n_basefuncs) for i in 1:nthreads]
ɛs = [[zero(SymmetricTensor{2, dim}) for i in 1:n_basefuncs] for i in 1:nthreads]
coordinates = [[zero(Vec{dim}) for i in 1:length(dh.grid.cells[1].nodes)] for i in 1:nthreads]
return [ScratchValues(Kes[i], fes[i], cellvalues[i], facevalues[i], global_dofs[i],
ɛs[i], coordinates[i], assemblers[i]) for i in 1:nthreads]
Threaded assemble
The assembly function loops over each color and does a threaded assembly for that color
function doassemble(K::SparseMatrixCSC, colors, grid::Grid, dh::DofHandler, C::SymmetricTensor{4, dim}) where {dim}
f = zeros(ndofs(dh))
scratches = create_scratchvalues(K, f, dh)
b = Vec{3}((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Body force
for color in colors
# Each color is safe to assemble threaded
Threads.@threads :static for i in 1:length(color)
assemble_cell!(scratches[Threads.threadid()], color[i], K, grid, dh, C, b)
return K, f
doassemble (generic function with 1 method)
The cell assembly function is written the same way as if it was a single threaded example. The only difference is that we unpack the variables from our scratch
function assemble_cell!(scratch::ScratchValues, cell::Int, K::SparseMatrixCSC,
grid::Grid, dh::DofHandler, C::SymmetricTensor{4, dim}, b::Vec{dim}) where {dim}
# Unpack our stuff from the scratch
Ke, fe, cellvalues, facevalues, global_dofs, ɛ, coordinates, assembler =
scratch.Ke, scratch.fe, scratch.cellvalues, scratch.facevalues,
scratch.global_dofs, scratch.ɛ, scratch.coordinates, scratch.assembler
fill!(Ke, 0)
fill!(fe, 0)
n_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues)
# Fill up the coordinates
nodeids = grid.cells[cell].nodes
for j in 1:length(coordinates)
coordinates[j] = grid.nodes[nodeids[j]].x
reinit!(cellvalues, coordinates)
for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs
ɛ[i] = symmetric(shape_gradient(cellvalues, q_point, i))
dΩ = getdetJdV(cellvalues, q_point)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs
δu = shape_value(cellvalues, q_point, i)
fe[i] += (δu ⋅ b) * dΩ
ɛC = ɛ[i] ⊡ C
for j in 1:n_basefuncs
Ke[i, j] += (ɛC ⊡ ɛ[j]) * dΩ
celldofs!(global_dofs, dh, cell)
assemble!(assembler, global_dofs, fe, Ke)
function run_assemble()
refshape = RefCube
quadrature_order = 2
dim = 3
n = 20
grid, colors = create_colored_cantilever_grid(Hexahedron, n);
dh = create_dofhandler(grid);
K = create_sparsity_pattern(dh);
C = create_stiffness(Val{3}());
# compilation
doassemble(K, colors, grid, dh, C);
b = @elapsed @time K, f = doassemble(K, colors, grid, dh, C);
return b
Running the code with different number of threads give the following runtimes:
- 1 thread 2.46 seconds
- 2 threads 1.19 seconds
- 3 threads 0.83 seconds
- 4 threads 0.75 seconds
Plain program
Here follows a version of the program without any comments. The file is also available here: threaded_assembly.jl
using Ferrite, SparseArrays
function create_example_2d_grid()
grid = generate_grid(Quadrilateral, (10, 10), Vec{2}((0.0, 0.0)), Vec{2}((10.0, 10.0)))
colors_workstream = create_coloring(grid; alg=ColoringAlgorithm.WorkStream)
colors_greedy = create_coloring(grid; alg=ColoringAlgorithm.Greedy)
vtk_grid("colored", grid) do vtk
vtk_cell_data_colors(vtk, colors_workstream, "workstream-coloring")
vtk_cell_data_colors(vtk, colors_greedy, "greedy-coloring")
function create_colored_cantilever_grid(celltype, n)
grid = generate_grid(celltype, (10*n, n, n), Vec{3}((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), Vec{3}((10.0, 1.0, 1.0)))
colors = create_coloring(grid)
return grid, colors
function create_dofhandler(grid::Grid{dim}) where {dim}
dh = DofHandler(grid)
add!(dh, :u, dim) # Add a displacement field
function create_stiffness(::Val{dim}) where {dim}
E = 200e9
ν = 0.3
λ = E*ν / ((1+ν) * (1 - 2ν))
μ = E / (2(1+ν))
δ(i,j) = i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0
g(i,j,k,l) = λ*δ(i,j)*δ(k,l) + μ*(δ(i,k)*δ(j,l) + δ(i,l)*δ(j,k))
C = SymmetricTensor{4, dim}(g);
return C
struct ScratchValues{T, CV <: CellValues, FV <: FaceValues, TT <: AbstractTensor, dim, Ti}
coordinates::Vector{Vec{dim, T}}
assembler::Ferrite.AssemblerSparsityPattern{T, Ti}
function create_values(refshape, dim, order::Int)
# Interpolations and values
interpolation_space = Lagrange{dim, refshape, 1}()
quadrature_rule = QuadratureRule{dim, refshape}(order)
face_quadrature_rule = QuadratureRule{dim-1, refshape}(order)
cellvalues = [CellVectorValues(quadrature_rule, interpolation_space) for i in 1:Threads.nthreads()];
facevalues = [FaceVectorValues(face_quadrature_rule, interpolation_space) for i in 1:Threads.nthreads()];
return cellvalues, facevalues
function create_scratchvalues(K, f, dh::DofHandler{dim}) where {dim}
nthreads = Threads.nthreads()
assemblers = [start_assemble(K, f) for i in 1:nthreads]
cellvalues, facevalues = create_values(RefCube, dim, 2)
n_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues[1])
global_dofs = [zeros(Int, ndofs_per_cell(dh)) for i in 1:nthreads]
fes = [zeros(n_basefuncs) for i in 1:nthreads] # Local force vector
Kes = [zeros(n_basefuncs, n_basefuncs) for i in 1:nthreads]
ɛs = [[zero(SymmetricTensor{2, dim}) for i in 1:n_basefuncs] for i in 1:nthreads]
coordinates = [[zero(Vec{dim}) for i in 1:length(dh.grid.cells[1].nodes)] for i in 1:nthreads]
return [ScratchValues(Kes[i], fes[i], cellvalues[i], facevalues[i], global_dofs[i],
ɛs[i], coordinates[i], assemblers[i]) for i in 1:nthreads]
function doassemble(K::SparseMatrixCSC, colors, grid::Grid, dh::DofHandler, C::SymmetricTensor{4, dim}) where {dim}
f = zeros(ndofs(dh))
scratches = create_scratchvalues(K, f, dh)
b = Vec{3}((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Body force
for color in colors
# Each color is safe to assemble threaded
Threads.@threads :static for i in 1:length(color)
assemble_cell!(scratches[Threads.threadid()], color[i], K, grid, dh, C, b)
return K, f
function assemble_cell!(scratch::ScratchValues, cell::Int, K::SparseMatrixCSC,
grid::Grid, dh::DofHandler, C::SymmetricTensor{4, dim}, b::Vec{dim}) where {dim}
# Unpack our stuff from the scratch
Ke, fe, cellvalues, facevalues, global_dofs, ɛ, coordinates, assembler =
scratch.Ke, scratch.fe, scratch.cellvalues, scratch.facevalues,
scratch.global_dofs, scratch.ɛ, scratch.coordinates, scratch.assembler
fill!(Ke, 0)
fill!(fe, 0)
n_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues)
# Fill up the coordinates
nodeids = grid.cells[cell].nodes
for j in 1:length(coordinates)
coordinates[j] = grid.nodes[nodeids[j]].x
reinit!(cellvalues, coordinates)
for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs
ɛ[i] = symmetric(shape_gradient(cellvalues, q_point, i))
dΩ = getdetJdV(cellvalues, q_point)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs
δu = shape_value(cellvalues, q_point, i)
fe[i] += (δu ⋅ b) * dΩ
ɛC = ɛ[i] ⊡ C
for j in 1:n_basefuncs
Ke[i, j] += (ɛC ⊡ ɛ[j]) * dΩ
celldofs!(global_dofs, dh, cell)
assemble!(assembler, global_dofs, fe, Ke)
function run_assemble()
refshape = RefCube
quadrature_order = 2
dim = 3
n = 20
grid, colors = create_colored_cantilever_grid(Hexahedron, n);
dh = create_dofhandler(grid);
K = create_sparsity_pattern(dh);
C = create_stiffness(Val{3}());
# compilation
doassemble(K, colors, grid, dh, C);
b = @elapsed @time K, f = doassemble(K, colors, grid, dh, C);
return b
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