Cells and grid
Working with interface cells
— Functionget_interface_cell_shape(::Type{<:AbstractRefShape})
Return the shape of an interface given a base reference shape. E.g. given RefTriangle
, RefPrism
is returned, meaning two triangles form an interface based on a prism.
— Functionget_sides_and_base_indices(::InterfaceCell)
Return a tuple containing tuples of a symbol (:here or :there) and an integer. The index of the outer tuple represents the node index. In the inner tuple, the symbol represents the side the node is on and the integer represents the nodes index in the base cell.
Inserting interface cells into a grid
— Functioncreate_interface_cell(::Type{C}, nodes_here, nodes_there) where {C}
Return a suitable InterfaceCell
connecting the facets with nodes_here
and nodes_there
— Functionget_interface_base_cell_type(::Type{<:AbstractCell})
Return a suitable base type for connecting two cells of given type with an InterfaceCell