Degrees of Freedom

Degrees of freedom (dofs) are distributed by the DofHandler.


Construct a DofHandler based on the grid grid.

After construction any number of discrete fields can be added to the DofHandler using add!. Construction is finalized by calling close!.

By default fields are added to all elements of the grid. Refer to SubDofHandler for restricting fields to subdomains of the grid.


dh = DofHandler(grid)
ip_u = Lagrange{RefTriangle, 2}()^2 # vector interpolation for a field u
ip_p = Lagrange{RefTriangle, 1}()   # scalar interpolation for a field p
add!(dh, :u, ip_u)
add!(dh, :p, ip_p)
SubDofHandler(dh::AbstractDofHandler, cellset::AbstractVecOrSet{Int})

Create an sdh::SubDofHandler from the parent dh, pertaining to the cells in cellset. This allows you to add fields to parts of the domain, or using different interpolations or cell types (e.g. Triangles and Quadrilaterals). All fields and cell types must be the same in one SubDofHandler.

After construction any number of discrete fields can be added to the SubDofHandler using add!. Construction is finalized by calling close! on the parent dh.


We assume we have a grid containing "Triangle" and "Quadrilateral" cells, including the cellsets "triangles" and "quadilaterals" for to these cells.

dh = DofHandler(grid)

sdh_tri = SubDofHandler(dh, getcellset(grid, "triangles"))
ip_tri = Lagrange{RefTriangle, 2}()^2 # vector interpolation for a field u
add!(sdh_tri, :u, ip_tri)

sdh_quad = SubDofHandler(dh, getcellset(grid, "quadilaterals"))
ip_quad = Lagrange{RefQuadrilateral, 2}()^2 # vector interpolation for a field u
add!(sdh_quad, :u, ip_quad)

close!(dh) # Finalize by closing the parent

Adding fields to the DofHandlers

add!(dh::DofHandler, name::Symbol, ip::Interpolation)

Add a field called name approximated by ip to the DofHandler dh.

The field is added to all cells of the underlying grid, use SubDofHandlers if the grid contains multiple cell types, or to add the field to subset of all the cells.

add!(sdh::SubDofHandler, name::Symbol, ip::Interpolation)

Add a field called name approximated by ip to the SubDofHandler sdh.


Closes dh and creates degrees of freedom for each cell.


Dof renumbering

renumber!(dh::AbstractDofHandler, order)
renumber!(dh::AbstractDofHandler, ch::ConstraintHandler, order)

Renumber the degrees of freedom in the DofHandler and/or ConstraintHandler according to the ordering order.

order can be given by one of the following options:

  • A permutation vector perm::AbstractVector{Int} such that dof i is renumbered to perm[i].
  • DofOrder.FieldWise() for renumbering dofs field wise.
  • DofOrder.ComponentWise() for renumbering dofs component wise.
  • DofOrder.Ext{T} for "external" renumber permutations, see documentation for DofOrder.Ext for details.

The dof numbering in the DofHandler and ConstraintHandler must always be consistent. It is therefore necessary to either renumber before creating the ConstraintHandler in the first place, or to renumber the DofHandler and the ConstraintHandler together.


Dof order passed to renumber! to renumber global dofs field wise resulting in a globally blocked system.

The default behavior is to group dofs of each field into their own block, with the same order as in the DofHandler. This can be customized by passing a vector of the same length as the total number of fields in the DofHandler (see getfieldnames(dh)) that maps each field to a "target block": to renumber a DofHandler with three fields :u, :v, :w such that dofs for :u and :w end up in the first global block, and dofs for :v in the second global block use DofOrder.FieldWise([1, 2, 1]).

This renumbering is stable such that the original relative ordering of dofs within each target block is maintained.


Dof order passed to renumber! to renumber global dofs component wise resulting in a globally blocked system.

The default behavior is to group dofs of each component into their own block, with the same order as in the DofHandler. This can be customized by passing a vector of length ncomponents that maps each component to a "target block" (see DofOrder.FieldWise for details).

This renumbering is stable such that the original relative ordering of dofs within each target block is maintained.


Common methods


Return the number of degrees of freedom in dh

ndofs_per_cell(dh::AbstractDofHandler[, cell::Int=1])

Return the number of degrees of freedom for the cell with index cell.

See also ndofs.

dof_range(sdh::SubDofHandler, field_idx::Int)
dof_range(sdh::SubDofHandler, field_name::Symbol)
dof_range(dh:DofHandler, field_name::Symbol)

Return the local dof range for a given field. The field can be specified by its name or index, where field_idx represents the index of a field within a SubDofHandler and field_idxs is a tuple of the SubDofHandler-index within the DofHandler and the field_idx.


The dof_range of a field can vary between different SubDofHandlers. Therefore, it is advised to use the field_idxs or refer to a given SubDofHandler directly in case several SubDofHandlers exist. Using the field_name will always refer to the first occurrence of field within the DofHandler.


julia> grid = generate_grid(Triangle, (3, 3))
Grid{2, Triangle, Float64} with 18 Triangle cells and 16 nodes

julia> dh = DofHandler(grid); add!(dh, :u, 3); add!(dh, :p, 1); close!(dh);

julia> dof_range(dh, :u)

julia> dof_range(dh, :p)

julia> dof_range(dh, (1,1)) # field :u

julia> dof_range(dh.subdofhandlers[1], 2) # field :p
celldofs(dh::AbstractDofHandler, i::Int)

Return a vector with the degrees of freedom that belong to cell i.

See also celldofs!.

celldofs!(global_dofs::Vector{Int}, dh::AbstractDofHandler, i::Int)

Store the degrees of freedom that belong to cell i in global_dofs.

See also celldofs.


Grid iterators


Create a cache object with pre-allocated memory for the nodes, coordinates, and dofs of a cell. The cache is updated for a new cell by calling reinit!(cache, cellid) where cellid::Int is the cell id.

Methods with CellCache

  • reinit!(cc, i): reinitialize the cache for cell i
  • cellid(cc): get the cell id of the currently cached cell
  • getnodes(cc): get the global node ids of the cell
  • getcoordinates(cc): get the coordinates of the cell
  • celldofs(cc): get the global dof ids of the cell
  • reinit!(fev, cc): reinitialize CellValues or FacetValues

See also CellIterator.

CellIterator(grid::Grid, cellset=1:getncells(grid))
CellIterator(dh::AbstractDofHandler, cellset=1:getncells(dh))

Create a CellIterator to conveniently iterate over all, or a subset, of the cells in a grid. The elements of the iterator are CellCaches which are properly reinit!ialized. See CellCache for more details.

Looping over a CellIterator, i.e.:

for cc in CellIterator(grid, cellset)
    # ...

is thus simply convenience for the following equivalent snippet:

cc = CellCache(grid)
for idx in cellset
    reinit!(cc, idx)
    # ...

CellIterator is stateful and should not be used for things other than for-looping (e.g. broadcasting over, or collecting the iterator may yield unexpected results).


Create a cache object with pre-allocated memory for the nodes, coordinates, and dofs of a cell suitable for looping over faces in a grid. The cache is updated for a new face by calling reinit!(cache, fi::FacetIndex).

Methods with fc::FacetCache

  • reinit!(fc, fi): reinitialize the cache for face fi::FacetIndex
  • cellid(fc): get the current cellid
  • getnodes(fc): get the global node ids of the cell
  • getcoordinates(fc): get the coordinates of the cell
  • celldofs(fc): get the global dof ids of the cell
  • reinit!(fv, fc): reinitialize FacetValues

See also FacetIterator.

FacetIterator(gridordh::Union{Grid,AbstractDofHandler}, facetset::AbstractVecOrSet{FacetIndex})

Create a FacetIterator to conveniently iterate over the faces in facestet. The elements of the iterator are FacetCaches which are properly reinit!ialized. See FacetCache for more details.

Looping over a FacetIterator, i.e.:

for fc in FacetIterator(grid, facetset)
    # ...

is thus simply convenience for the following equivalent snippet: ```julia fc = FacetCache(grid) for faceindex in facetset reinit!(fc, faceindex) # ... end


Create a cache object with pre-allocated memory for the nodes, coordinates, and dofs of an interface. The cache is updated for a new cell by calling reinit!(cache, facet_a, facet_b) where facet_a::FacetIndex and facet_b::FacetIndex are the two interface faces.

Struct fields of InterfaceCache

  • ic.a :: FacetCache: face cache for the first face of the interface
  • ic.b :: FacetCache: face cache for the second face of the interface
  • ic.dofs :: Vector{Int}: global dof ids for the interface (union of ic.a.dofs and ic.b.dofs)

Methods with InterfaceCache

  • reinit!(cache::InterfaceCache, facet_a::FacetIndex, facet_b::FacetIndex): reinitialize the cache for a new interface
  • interfacedofs(ic): get the global dof ids of the interface

See also InterfaceIterator.

InterfaceIterator(grid::Grid, [topology::ExclusiveTopology])
InterfaceIterator(dh::AbstractDofHandler, [topology::ExclusiveTopology])

Create an InterfaceIterator to conveniently iterate over all the interfaces in a grid. The elements of the iterator are InterfaceCaches which are properly reinit!ialized. See InterfaceCache for more details. Looping over an InterfaceIterator, i.e.:

for ic in InterfaceIterator(grid, topology)
    # ...

is thus simply convenience for the following equivalent snippet for grids of dimensions > 1:

ic = InterfaceCache(grid, topology)
for face in topology.face_skeleton
    neighborhood = topology.face_face_neighbor[face[1], face[2]]
    isempty(neighborhood) && continue
    neighbor_face = neighborhood[1]
    reinit!(ic, face, neighbor_face)
    # ...

InterfaceIterator is stateful and should not be used for things other than for-looping (e.g. broadcasting over, or collecting the iterator may yield unexpected results).
