Code gallery

This page gives an overview of the code gallery. Compared to the tutorials, these programs do not focus on teaching Ferrite, but rather focus on showing how Ferrite can be used "in the wild".

Contribute to the gallery!

Most of the gallery is user contributed. If you use Ferrite, and have something you want to share, please contribute to the gallery! This could, for example, be your research code for a published paper, some interesting application, or just some nice trick.

Helmholtz equation

Solves the Helmholtz equation on the unit square using a combination of Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions and the method of manufactured solutions.

Contributed by: Kristoffer Carlsson (@KristofferC).

Nearly incompressible hyperelasticity

This program combines the ideas from Tutorial 3: Incompressible elasticity and Tutorial 4: Hyperelasticity to construct a mixed element solving three-dimensional displacement-pressure equations.

Contributed by: Bhavesh Shrimali (@bhaveshshrimali).

Ginzburg-Landau model energy minimization

A basic Ginzburg-Landau model is solved. ForwardDiff.jl is used to compute the gradient and hessian of the energy function. Multi-threading is used to parallelize the assembly procedure.

Contributed by: Louis Ponet (@louisponet).

Topology optimization

Topology optimization is shown for the bending problem by using a SIMP material model. To avoid numerical instabilities, a regularization scheme requiring the calculation of the Laplacian is imposed, which is done by using the grid topology functionalities.

Contributed by: Mischa Blaszczyk (@blaszm).