Ginzburg-Landau model energy minimization





In this example a basic Ginzburg-Landau model is solved. This example gives an idea of how the API together with ForwardDiff can be leveraged to performantly solve non standard problems on a FEM grid. A large portion of the code is there only for performance reasons, but since this usually really matters and is what takes the most time to optimize, it is included.

The key to using a method like this for minimizing a free energy function directly, rather than the weak form, as is usually done with FEM, is to split up the gradient and Hessian calculations. This means that they are performed for each cell separately instead of for the grid as a whole.

using ForwardDiff
import ForwardDiff: GradientConfig, HessianConfig, Chunk
using Ferrite
using Optim, LineSearches
using SparseArrays
using Tensors
using Base.Threads

Energy terms

4th order Landau free energy

function Fl(P::Vec{3, T}, α::Vec{3}) where T
    P2 = Vec{3, T}((P[1]^2, P[2]^2, P[3]^2))
    return (α[1] * sum(P2) +
           α[2] * (P[1]^4 + P[2]^4 + P[3]^4)) +
           α[3] * ((P2[1] * P2[2]  + P2[2]*P2[3]) + P2[1]*P2[3])
Fl (generic function with 1 method)

Ginzburg free energy

@inline Fg(∇P, G) = 0.5(∇P ⊡ G) ⊡ ∇P
Fg (generic function with 1 method)

GL free energy

F(P, ∇P, params)  = Fl(P, params.α) + Fg(∇P, params.G)
F (generic function with 1 method)

Parameters that characterize the model

struct ModelParams{V, T}


This holds the values that each thread will use during the assembly.

struct ThreadCache{CV, T, DIM, F <: Function, GC <: GradientConfig, HC <: HessianConfig}
    cvP              ::CV
    element_indices  ::Vector{Int}
    element_dofs     ::Vector{T}
    element_gradient ::Vector{T}
    element_hessian  ::Matrix{T}
    element_coords   ::Vector{Vec{DIM, T}}
    gradconf         ::GC
    hessconf         ::HC
function ThreadCache(dpc::Int, nodespercell, cvP::CellValues, modelparams, elpotential)
    element_indices  = zeros(Int, dpc)
    element_dofs     = zeros(dpc)
    element_gradient = zeros(dpc)
    element_hessian  = zeros(dpc, dpc)
    element_coords   = zeros(Vec{3, Float64}, nodespercell)
    potfunc          = x -> elpotential(x, cvP, modelparams)
    gradconf         = GradientConfig(potfunc, zeros(dpc), Chunk{12}())
    hessconf         = HessianConfig(potfunc, zeros(dpc), Chunk{12}())
    return ThreadCache(cvP, element_indices, element_dofs, element_gradient, element_hessian, element_coords, potfunc, gradconf, hessconf)

The Model

everything is combined into a model.

mutable struct LandauModel{T, DH <: DofHandler, CH <: ConstraintHandler, TC <: ThreadCache}
    dofs          ::Vector{T}
    dofhandler    ::DH
    boundaryconds ::CH
    threadindices ::Vector{Vector{Int}}
    threadcaches  ::Vector{TC}

function LandauModel(α, G, gridsize, left::Vec{DIM, T}, right::Vec{DIM, T}, elpotential) where {DIM, T}
    grid = generate_grid(Tetrahedron, gridsize, left, right)
    threadindices = Ferrite.create_coloring(grid)

    qr  = QuadratureRule{RefTetrahedron}(2)
    ipP = Lagrange{RefTetrahedron, 1}()^3
    cvP = CellValues(qr, ipP)

    dofhandler = DofHandler(grid)
    add!(dofhandler, :P, ipP)

    dofvector = zeros(ndofs(dofhandler))
    startingconditions!(dofvector, dofhandler)
    boundaryconds = ConstraintHandler(dofhandler)
    #boundary conditions can be added but aren't necessary for optimization
    #add!(boundaryconds, Dirichlet(:P, getfaceset(grid, "left"), (x, t) -> [0.0,0.0,0.53], [1,2,3]))
    #add!(boundaryconds, Dirichlet(:P, getfaceset(grid, "right"), (x, t) -> [0.0,0.0,-0.53], [1,2,3]))
    update!(boundaryconds, 0.0)

    apply!(dofvector, boundaryconds)

    hessian = create_sparsity_pattern(dofhandler)
    dpc = ndofs_per_cell(dofhandler)
    cpc = length(grid.cells[1].nodes)
    caches = [ThreadCache(dpc, cpc, copy(cvP), ModelParams(α, G), elpotential) for t=1:nthreads()]
    return LandauModel(dofvector, dofhandler, boundaryconds, threadindices, caches)

utility to quickly save a model

function Ferrite.vtk_save(path, model, dofs=model.dofs)
    vtkfile = vtk_grid(path, model.dofhandler)
    vtk_point_data(vtkfile, model.dofhandler, dofs)


This macro defines most of the assembly step, since the structure is the same for the energy, gradient and Hessian calculations.

macro assemble!(innerbody)
        dofhandler = model.dofhandler
        for indices in model.threadindices
            @threads for i in indices
                cache     = model.threadcaches[threadid()]
                eldofs    = cache.element_dofs
                nodeids   = dofhandler.grid.cells[i].nodes
                for j=1:length(cache.element_coords)
                    cache.element_coords[j] = dofhandler.grid.nodes[nodeids[j]].x
                reinit!(cache.cvP, cache.element_coords)

                celldofs!(cache.element_indices, dofhandler, i)
                for j=1:length(cache.element_dofs)
                    eldofs[j] = dofvector[cache.element_indices[j]]
@assemble! (macro with 1 method)

This calculates the total energy calculation of the grid

function F(dofvector::Vector{T}, model) where T
    outs = fill(zero(T), nthreads())
    @assemble! begin
        outs[threadid()] += cache.element_potential(eldofs)
    return sum(outs)
F (generic function with 2 methods)

The gradient calculation for each dof

function ∇F!(∇f::Vector{T}, dofvector::Vector{T}, model::LandauModel{T}) where T
    fill!(∇f, zero(T))
    @assemble! begin
        ForwardDiff.gradient!(cache.element_gradient, cache.element_potential, eldofs, cache.gradconf)
        @inbounds assemble!(∇f, cache.element_indices, cache.element_gradient)
∇F! (generic function with 1 method)

The Hessian calculation for the whole grid

function ∇²F!(∇²f::SparseMatrixCSC, dofvector::Vector{T}, model::LandauModel{T}) where T
    assemblers = [start_assemble(∇²f) for t=1:nthreads()]
    @assemble! begin
        ForwardDiff.hessian!(cache.element_hessian, cache.element_potential, eldofs, cache.hessconf)
        @inbounds assemble!(assemblers[threadid()], cache.element_indices, cache.element_hessian)
∇²F! (generic function with 1 method)

We can also calculate all things in one go!

function calcall(∇²f::SparseMatrixCSC, ∇f::Vector{T}, dofvector::Vector{T}, model::LandauModel{T}) where T
    outs = fill(zero(T), nthreads())
    fill!(∇f, zero(T))
    assemblers = [start_assemble(∇²f, ∇f) for t=1:nthreads()]
    @assemble! begin
        outs[threadid()] += cache.element_potential(eldofs)
        ForwardDiff.hessian!(cache.element_hessian, cache.element_potential, eldofs, cache.hessconf)
        ForwardDiff.gradient!(cache.element_gradient, cache.element_potential, eldofs, cache.gradconf)
        @inbounds assemble!(assemblers[threadid()], cache.element_indices, cache.element_gradient, cache.element_hessian)
    return sum(outs)
calcall (generic function with 1 method)


Now everything can be combined to minimize the energy, and find the equilibrium configuration.

function minimize!(model; kwargs...)
    dh = model.dofhandler
    dofs = model.dofs
    ∇f = fill(0.0, length(dofs))
    ∇²f = create_sparsity_pattern(dh)
    function g!(storage, x)
        ∇F!(storage, x, model)
        apply_zero!(storage, model.boundaryconds)
    function h!(storage, x)
        ∇²F!(storage, x, model)
        #apply!(storage, model.boundaryconds)
    f(x) = F(x, model)

    od = TwiceDifferentiable(f, g!, h!, model.dofs, 0.0, ∇f, ∇²f)

    # this way of minimizing is only beneficial when the initial guess is completely off,
    # then a quick couple of ConjuageGradient steps brings us easily closer to the minimum.
    # res = optimize(od, model.dofs, ConjugateGradient(linesearch=BackTracking()), Optim.Options(show_trace=true, show_every=1, g_tol=1e-20, iterations=10))
    # model.dofs .= res.minimizer
    # to get the final convergence, Newton's method is more ideal since the energy landscape should be almost parabolic
    res = optimize(od, model.dofs, Newton(linesearch=BackTracking()), Optim.Options(show_trace=true, show_every=1, g_tol=1e-20))
    model.dofs .= res.minimizer
    return res
minimize! (generic function with 1 method)

Testing it

This calculates the contribution of each element to the total energy, it is also the function that will be put through ForwardDiff for the gradient and Hessian.

function element_potential(eldofs::AbstractVector{T}, cvP, params) where T
    energy = zero(T)
    for qp=1:getnquadpoints(cvP)
        P  = function_value(cvP, qp, eldofs)
        ∇P = function_gradient(cvP, qp, eldofs)
        energy += F(P, ∇P, params) * getdetJdV(cvP, qp)
    return energy
element_potential (generic function with 1 method)

now we define some starting conditions

function startingconditions!(dofvector, dofhandler)
    for cell in CellIterator(dofhandler)
        globaldofs = celldofs(cell)
        it = 1
        for i=1:3:length(globaldofs)
            dofvector[globaldofs[i]]   = -2.0
            dofvector[globaldofs[i+1]] = 2.0
            dofvector[globaldofs[i+2]] = -2.0tanh(cell.coords[it][1]/20)
            it += 1

δ(i, j) = i == j ? one(i) : zero(i)
V2T(p11, p12, p44) = Tensor{4, 3}((i,j,k,l) -> p11 * δ(i,j)*δ(k,l)*δ(i,k) + p12*δ(i,j)*δ(k,l)*(1 - δ(i,k)) + p44*δ(i,k)*δ(j,l)*(1 - δ(i,j)))

G = V2T(1.0e2, 0.0, 1.0e2)
α = Vec{3}((-1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
left = Vec{3}((-75.,-25.,-2.))
right = Vec{3}((75.,25.,2.))
model = LandauModel(α, G, (50, 50, 2), left, right, element_potential)

vtk_save("landauorig", model)
@time minimize!(model)
vtk_save("landaufinal", model)
1-element Vector{String}:

as we can see this runs very quickly even for relatively large gridsizes. The key to get high performance like this is to minimize the allocations inside the threaded loops, ideally to 0.

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